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Appraisal Review & Management

Appraisal Review and Management is a unique discipline in the American Society of Appraisers. While professionals in other ASA disciplines are specialists in the valuation of particular property types, the ARM discipline focuses upon review and management of all types of property appraisals and appraisal practice management.

Appraisal management involves professionals who participate in managing multidiscipline appraisal practices. Such professionals have responsibilities for: Development and review of Appraisal Policies and Procedures, coordinating and training appraisers from various disciplines, Definition of appraisal Problems and development of comprehensive Scope of Work, Contract administration and Estimating Fees, and technical review of all types of appraisals. Therefore the professional appraisal manager who functions in this capacity will have a broad understanding of the appraisal process and standards that are practiced by one or more disciplines. This understanding must be demonstrated in real property, machinery and technical specialties and business valuation. Familiarity with the proper application of valuation concepts and methodologies for many different types of property rights is essential to advancement in this field.

Appraisers qualified for ARM cross over all appraisal disciplines. Contact us if you are seeking more information on ARM or are in search of an appraiser suitable for your appraisal review and management needs.